Area Standards, Logos and QR code
The area name is Berks Bucks and Oxon Flowers. Alternatively, and particularly for financial purposes, we are referred to as the BB&O Area of NAFAS.
The standard area colour is #922262
BBO-Proforma-Document-220901 is a WORD file, containing the latest BB&O and NAFAS logos, web address, area name and QR code which links to our home page. Clubs may download this to use as the basis for their own documents.
BBO Logos and QR code 20220901 is a Powerpoint file containing the Area QR code and BB&O and NAFAS logos in various formats which Area and Club Officers may copy into their own documents. BBO Logos and QR code 20220901 is a PDF version of that file for information
Alternatively the following logos have a transparent background, making them ideal for incorporating into publicity material which have a coloured background. Right click on these images and Save Picture as .png files. Then insert them into required publicity material. where the background colour will show through. The QR code may also be copied into documents to take readers directly to our area home page.