Chairman/Management Team

Club Management gives information about overall management of a club, whether by a committee of club officers or by a management team. It also gives information about club constitutions, AGMs, data protection, club information and events run by the Area to help clubs.

Whichever approach is used the Club Chairman or Management Team should:

The Chairman/Management Team should be aware of all information that is available on the Area Management and Club Management pages, as well as the key components of the other club roles.  See all links in Guidelines, Policies and Processes and Forms

Ensure the Club functions as a Whole

It is the responsibility of the Club Chairman or Management Team to ensure the club functions well as a whole.  As society changes, particularly following the COVID pandemic, it may be appropriate for a club to evolve in order to deliver what members want, at a price the club and members can afford.  Maintaining communication with members and visitors to identify their requirements is key to ongoing success.  Some clubs may have a demographic which wants mainly demonstrations, but Ideally a mixed programme to suit a variety of needs is more likely to make clubs viable in the longer term.  Membership and visitor fees need to be set appropriate to the club and its members situation.  If a club is struggling to survive it is advisable to discuss the situation with all members, ideally at a club meeting, to ask them what they want and what suggestions they have to help the club keep going. Guidelines, Policies and Processes contains links to useful documents for struggling clubs.

Manage Club Meetings

The Chairman/Management Team should plan and run club meetings.  Nominated individuals should perform the  following tasks at each meeting.  The tasks do not all have to be done by the same person, and they do not have to be done by the same people at each meeting.

  • Welcome members, visitors and special guests
  • Inform attendees of safety regulations at the venue
  • Pass on information regarding your own club, and information from NAFAS, the BB&O Area and other clubs or societies.  Do not just refer people to the noticeboard as many will not or cannot read what is there, so it is appropriate to give out at least summary information.
  • Introduce the demonstrator/speaker.  There are links to useful documents and videos at the bottom of the Guidelines, Policies and Processes page
  • Give a Vote of Thanks at the end of the meeting.  There are links to usdocuments and videos at the bottom of the Guidelines, Policies and Processes page

Managing club meetings also involves:

  • Ensuring at least one person is there early to open up and prepare the venue
  • Ensuring at least one person is available to stay late to clear away and lock up if appropriate
  • Ensuring at least one person is available to support the demonstrator/teacher/speaker and assist with unloading and loading if appropriate
  • Ensuring at least one person is responsible for refreshments if appropriate
  • Ensuring at least one person is responsible for the sound system. raffle, sales table, noticeboard and any other specific deliverables
  • Ensuring the meeting starts on time and does not overrun

Manage Committee/Management Team Meetings

Committee or Management Team meetings should take place at appropriate intervals – not necessarily monthly, and not necessarily in person – some or all members could attend the meetings via Zoom or other virtual package.  All team members should be encouraged to have their say.

There may or may not be a formal agenda but topics for such meetings should usually include:

  • Planning of club meetings, outings and other social activities
  • Club finances
  • Club risks
  • Planning for the AGM
  • Review of club effectiveness and any concerns/issues/correspondence
  • Involvement of club in area or NAFAS events

There may or may not be formal minutes from such meetings but ideally a few notes confirming decisions and actions is desirable.  See Secretaries

Manage Club Risks

The Chairman or Management Team should ensure risks are reviewed annually, most likely just after the AGM.  Types of risk include

  • Health and safety at the regular venue and events held elsewhere – see Risk Assessment for Venues
  • Finances
  • Legal and statutory, particularly Data Protection

For more information see Risk Management Guidelines

Act as Spokesperson for the Club

The Chairman or Management Team should arrange for someone to attend Area Council Meetings on behalf of the club, and bring back relevant information to the rest of the committee/management team.  The club spokesperson should relay to Area Officers, either at council or other area meetings or via email, any concerns they may have regarding their club, the BB&O Area or NAFAS.

Channel for passing on Communication

The Chairman or Management Team should ensure that Information gleaned from council or other area meetings, or information that is emailed to the club is passed on, either on paper or electronically, to members of the committee/rest of the management team,  and/or club members as appropriate.

Emails/information that should be forwarded to all club members and visitors include:

  • Area Chairman’s newsletters
  • Area and NAFAS event information
  • Appropriate NAFAS information

Emails/information that should be forwarded to relevant roles include:

  • Financial information should be passed to the treasurer
  • Administration information should be passed to the secretary or whole management team as appropriate
  • NAFAS information should be passed on to whoever is appropriate.  For example NAFAS mileage rates need to be passed to at least the programme secretary and treasurer; NAFAS recommended flower allowance should be passed to at least the programme secretary.

The Chairman or Management Team should encourage ALL club members and visitors to sign up for the News Service as this is the replacement for Focal Points which used to be distributed quarterly to clubs.  The sign form is simple to complete, the data is not shared with anyone outside the organisation and individuals can continue to be kept informed on things that are going on in the area, even if they leave the club or if the club closes.  Every member of the committee or management team should register for the newsletter service.   One person, most likely the secretary,  could then forward to members and visitors.  However beware this may result in one of the recipients ‘Unsubscribing’ you!