Glossary of Terms

This lists defines terms and acronyms which may be used by NAFAS and the BB&O Area on websites and in documents.

Affiliation FeesA fee which is levied on each club member to facilitate area and national management
AMO/CMOArea Media Officer and Club Media Officer
APO/CPOArea Publications Officer and Club Publications Officer
ATO/CTOArea Trading Officer and Club Trading Officer
These roles have now been superseded by APO and CPO
Blue Forms3-part forms on blue paper which are the contractual commitment between a club and a NAFAS Demonstrator. They should be requested from the Area Secretary. They must be completed on paper as they are not available electronically. They are only for use with NAFAS demonstrators, speakers, judges and teachers, and not for any other personnel your club may use
Code of PracticeNAFAS specification of the obligations between a club and a demonstrator regarding a booking
Council MeetingsQuarterly meetings where area officers and representatives report on NAFAS and area events, issues, finances etc. It is advisable for clubs to send a representative to these meetings, but ANY member of the area can attend.
F&GPFinance and General Purposes Committee, consisting of area officers and county representatives. The F&GP committee is responsible for overall management of the area
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulations 2018 Legal requirements
InsightA magazine produced 3 times/year by the national JDSE committee with interesting articles for anyone involved in practical flower arranging
JDSEJudging, Demonstrating, Speaking and Education
Lonely Bouquet CampaignSee National Flower Arranging Day
NACNational Advisory Council which comprises the National Officers, Company Secretary and NAFAS Administrator (who takes the minutes) and the Chairmen of each of the 21 Areas of NAFAS. The council meets four times a year in London. Information regarding National events, finance and procedures is passed to the Area Chairmen and they in turn are able to comment and pass on concerns from their members to the National Officers.
NAFASNational Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
National Flower Arranging Day (NFAD)1st Friday in May which is designated as the National Flower Arranging Day as major publicity campaign for NAFAS and flower arranging in general. Individuals and clubs are encouraged to leave small bouquets in public places with tags advertising NAFAS and/or their club, stating the bouquets are to be taken and enjoyed.
Open MeetingA club meeting for which tickets are sold in advance
Pink ListList of BB&O judges, demonstrators, speakers and teachers. Also members of the JDSE committee. This is referred to as the Pink List since historically it was printed annually for all clubs in the area and had a pink cover page. Now it is delivered to clubs annually by email.
WAFAWorld Association of Flower Arrangers. A WAFA show is organised every 3 years by a different member country
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