AGM 2024 Agenda

Agenda for the 64th BB&O AGM to be held on Friday 25th October 2022 at 10.30am at Benson Parish Hall, Benson, Oxfordshire, OX10 6LZ – Google Maps

Click on BBandO 2024 AGM Agenda for a downloadable, printable version of the agenda:

  1. Welcome by Area Chairman Jackie Page
  2. Area Presidents welcome Pat Dibben
  3. Apologies and Roll Call
  4. Minutes of 63rd AGM and Matters Arising Approval required.
  5. Area Officer – Updates to reports

a Chairman updates
b Secretary updates
c Treasurers update with approval of accounts, affiliation fees, honoraria, and Auditor
d Media update
e JDSE update
f Publications update
g Flower Arranger update

  1. Appointments of Officers for 2024/2025 approval required for each office.

a Area Chairman
b Area Secretary
c Area Treasurer
d Area Media Officer
e Area JDSE officer
f Area Publications Officer

  1. Appointments of other Area positions for 2024/2025 approval required.

a Flower Arranger Representative

  1. Appointment of Vice President
  2. Presentation of awards:

Diane Gill Award
Charities Award
Flower Arranger Award
Maidenhead award
Penelope Everett Award

  1. AOB only topics pre-advised by 20th October

Voting for each item marked * Approval Required can be made in advance (1 vote per club) using the form on AGM 2024

AGM to be followed by brief council meeting

  1. Minutes of September Council Meeting and Matters Arising
  2. Area Chairman’s Report
  3. Area Treasurer’s Report

Vote of Thanks