‘Jewels in the Crown’ Entry Form
Jewels in the Crown is the overall title of BB&O Area Show at the Blenheim Palace Flower Show, 24-26 June 2022.
Please complete the following form if you wish to enter .
Full details are available at Jewels in the Crown Schedule, but in summary there are 5 classes:
- Dazzling Gems – Craft class
- Diamonds are Forever – Club class – pedestal exhibit
- More Precious than Gold – Exhibit on open tabling
- Iridescence – Hanging exhibit
- Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend – Imposed class – open to anyone
There is no entry fee for classes 1-4
There is a £35 entry fee for class 5 to cover the cost of materials, which includes agra wool and a container. If you enter this class you will need to arrange payment by completing the appropriate payment fields, and arranging payment according to your selection. Places will only be reserved when payment is received. There will be no refunds except in exceptional circumstances as agreed by the show committee.
- IF PAYING BY CHEQUE please write your name and Class 5 on the back of the cheque then post to:
Alison Vacher, 1 Emmbrook Vale, Wokingham, RG41 1PW - IF PAYING BY ONLINE BANK TRANSFER please include your name and Class 5 in the reference and pay to:
BB&O Area of NAFAS, Account number 10281169, Sort code: 60-24-21.