Thames Valley Flower Club

Thames Valley Flower Club was formed in January 1954 and meets every last Monday in the month at 10.30am at the Calcot Community Centre, High View, Calcot, Reading, RG31 4XD.  If a meeting should fall on a bank holiday then the meeting is held one week earlier.  The club currently has 66 members and the annual membership fee is £43.

Visitors are welcome but there is a visitors fee of £6 per meeting.

For further details about the club please call Lesley Henderson on 0118 941 1047 or click on Thames Valley Flower Club to email the club.

Club Programme 2025

DayDateMonthEventPresented byAll Kinds of Everything
Mon27JanDemonstrationLorraine SaundersAll Kinds of Everything
Mon24FebDemonstrationGraham KingInspirational
Mon31MarchDemonstrationGill McGregorMarch Madness
Mon28AprilDemonstrationJanice TattersdillFlowers at the Palace
Mon19MayDemonstrationStephanie CornellA Few of my Favourite Things
Mon30JuneDemonstrationJennifer ThompsonFlowers in Rhyme
Mon28JulyDemonstrationMichelle KingTour de France
Mon29SeptDemonstrationVivien WithersColours of Autumn
Mon27OctDemonstrationCarole StablesAs if by Magic
Mon24NovDemonstrationSelena Denham12 Days of Christmas
MonDecAGM and Lunch