Oxford Flower Club

Oxford Flower Club was formed in 1958 and meets at 2pm every 4th Thursday in the month (except December and August) at the Cumnor Village Hall, Leys Road, Cumnor, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QF.  The club currently has 83 members and our annual membership fee is £40.  Visitors are always welcome (£8 per meeting).

Most months we meet for either flower arranging demonstrations, competitions or social events.  The doors open at 1.30pm for a 2pm start.

For further details about Oxford Flower Club, please click on Oxford Flower Club to email the club or call Penny Nichol on 01865 327608.

Club Programme 2025

DayDateMonthEventPresented byTitle
Thur23JanDemonstrationGraham KingInspirational
Thur27FebDemonstrationJane Belcher and Angela EdmondsThe Master and The Apprentice
Thur27MarDemonstrationElaine StonerFlowers on Vacation
Thur27MarMembers Spring DisplayAn Exhibit - Open Staging - 61cm x 61cm. Natural Plant Material
Thur24AprDemonstrationMichael Bowyer MBE
If Spring is Here, Summer can't be far Behind
Thur22MayDemonstrationDebbie DaviesBlooms and Blueprints
Thur26JunTea Party with Guest Demonstrator
Thur24JulyDemonstrationFiona HarrisonA French Affair
ThurAugNo meeting
Thur25SeptDemonstrationTrudie EastonQueen Bees
Thur25SeptMembers Autumn DisplayAn Exhibit - Open Staging - 61cm x 61cm. Natural Plant Material
Thur23OctAGM (Members only)
with Talk

Susan Shaw (N)

Jungle Trails India
Thur27NovDemonstrationLorraine SaundersLet's Celebrate
ThurTo be confirmedDecChristmas Lunch