Old Windsor Flower Club

Old Windsor Flower Club was formed in 1971 and meets every 1st Wednesday in the month (except August) at 7.30pm for 7.45pm at the Memorial Hall, Straight Road, Old Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 2RN.  The club currently has 52 members and our annual membership fee is £38.  Visitors are always welcome (£5 per meeting).

At each of our meetings we have a flower arranging demonstration, members’ competition and a sales table.  We hold a competitive show every two years as well as social events, an annual outing in the Summer and occasional workshops.  Our AGM is held on the 3rd Wednesday in January at The Day Centre, Old Windsor.

Fees for Open Meetings are £8 for members and £15 for visitors.  For further details about the club, please click on Old Windsor Flower Club  to email the club

Club Programme 2025

DayDateMonthEventPresented byTitle
Wed15JanAGMThe CommitteeIvy Leaf Button Holes
Wed5FebDemonstrationAngela WoodleyTraveller's Tales
Club CompetitionGulliver's Travels - Petite
Wed5MarDemonstrationCaroline GoldingA Rummage Through the China Cupboard
Club CompetitionYellow Delights
WedAugNo Meeting
WedSeptOpen Demonstration