Four Ends Flower Club

Four Ends Flower Club was formed in October 1965 and meets every 4th Thursday in the month (except August) at 12.45pm at Lane End Village Hall, Finings Road, Lane End, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3JE.  The club currently has 30 members and our annual membership fee is £45.  Visitors are always welcome (£7 per meeting).

Most months we meet for flower arranging demonstrations and competitions.  There is a supplement for National Demonstrators.  The Competitions have 4 classes (novice, intermediate, advanced and senior advanced) and staging is between 12.30 – 12.45pm.  Exhibits may be brought ready assembled.  The space allowed is 2′ square and 2’6″ high.  Accessories are allowed and prizes are awarded at the AGM for members with the most number of points.

For further details about the club, please click on Four Ends Flower Club to email the club or call Pat Johnston on 01628 476971 or 07526 857453.

Club Programme 2024

DayDateMonthEventPresented byTitle
Thur25JanTalkGill FergusonPhotographing Flowers and Gardens
Thur22FebDemonstrationRuriko KajimaIkebana + DIY
Thur28MarDemonstrationStephanie CornellA Few of my Favourite Things
Thur25AprDemonstrationLorraine SaundersMore Magic Moments
Thur23MayDemonstrationVivien WithersFocus on Flora
Thur27JuneDemonstrationJennifer ThompsonA Good Read
Thur27JulyClub Mini ShowJudged by Susie BarwickThe World of Shakespeare
Thur27 JulyDemonstrationGill McGregorA Midsummer Dream
AugNo meeting
Thur26SeptDemonstrationHelen TempleMy Family and Those Animals
Thur24OctPloughman's Lunch starting at 12.15 followed by Demonstration
Tickets £8 for members, £12 for visitors. To book:
Click on Pat Johnston to book by email, OR
Phone Pat on 01628 476971 or 07526 857453
Bookings by 17th October please
Graham KingInspirational
Thur28NovDemonstrationChristine LongAre You Sitting Comfortably
Thur12DecDemonstrationKathryn AustinMerry and Bright

Club Programme 2025

DayDateMonthEventPresented byTitle
Thur23JanDemonstrationVijay BhatiaJoys of the New Year
Thur27FebDemonstrationAnya LautenbachGarden Fairy
Thur27MarDemonstrationAlison GillottSweet Tooth
Thur27AprDemonstrationJackie PageConnections
Thur22MayDemonstrationSandie DraperSplendour
Thur26JuneDemonstrationFiona HarrisonA French Affair
Thur24JulyClub Mini Show and afternoon teaGraham KingDiamonds are Forever
AugNo meeting
Thur25SeptDemonstrationChristine RamseyHome Grown
Thur23OctDIY (No demo)
Thur27NovDemonstrationCarol Bennett A Little Yuletide Sparkle
Thur11DecDemonstrationJennifer ThompsonIt feels like Christmas