Aylesbury Flower Club


Aylesbury Flower Club was originally formed in 1957 and meets the last Monday in the month (unless it is a Bank Holiday and then it is usually the week before) at 7.30pm at the Rivets Sports and Social Club, Whitehead Way, Aylesbury, HP21 8AD

Most months we meet for flower arranging demonstrations but we also run coach outings throughout the year and hold a Christmas meal at the beginning of December.  We hold our AGM in January.

The club currently has 48 members and the annual subscription is £45.  Visitors are always welcome (£8 per person and £1 for children per demonstration).  For the November demonstration, which is our Christmas Meeting, there is a charge of £10 for members and £15 for  visitors and includes a free drink and mince pie.

Please visit our Facebook page – Aylesbury Flower Club

Please click on Aylesbury Flower Club to contact the club or phone Val Truby on 01296 489425

Club Programme 2025

DayDateMonthEventPresented byTitle
Mon24FebDemonstration Peter Bodnar and Stefan Carolan'BOGOF'
Mon31MarMelanieEaster Workshop
Mon28AprDemonstration Shirley HendersonTake a Piece of Wood
Mon19MayDemonstration Catherine HolnessStart with Music ... End with Flowers
Mon30JunDemonstration Linda SeabrookGreen Finger Flower Arranger
Mon28JulDemonstration Elaine StonerFlowers on Vacation
Mon18AugDemonstration Eleanor BrackenHoliday Time
Mon29SeptDemonstration Allison GillotA Pocketful of Posies
Mon27OctDemonstrationPat Dibben and Helen TempleHalloween Special
Mon24NovDemonstrationNeil Gurney as...... Mrs Dorothy Wright