Blue Forms

Blue Forms are 3-part forms which represent the contractual commitment between your club and a NAFAS Demonstrator/Speaker/Judge/Teacher.  They must be completed on paper as they are not available electronically.  They are only for use with NAFAS demonstrators, speakers, judges and teachers, and not for any other personnel your club may use.

The Blue Form Process is:

  1. The programme secretary completes Part A then sends the full form to the judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher
  2. The judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher tears off and retains Part A, then completes Part B and sends this (with Part C) back to the programme secretary
  3. The programme secretary retains Part B, then completes Part C and returns this to the judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher.  At this point there is a binding contract between the club and the judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher
  4. Any change of information on either part should be notified to the other ASAP
  5. At the time of the event the programme secretary should give Part B to the club treasurer who should use this as the basis for payment to the judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher.  Part C remains the property of the judge, demonstrator, speaker or teacher

Requesting Blue Forms 

Blue forms are normally available for collection at Area Council Meetings, but if required urgently up to 12 can be posted.  To request blue forms either for collection or by post, please complete the following form.