Booking Form for 2025 Demonstrator FINAL Tests 

An opportunity to support BB&O and other Area trainee Demonstrators on their journey to becoming NAFAS Area Demonstrators   The FINAL tests will be held on Saturday 5th April 2025 at Holyport Memorial Hall, Money Row Green, Holyport, Maidenhead SL6 2NA.  Doors will open at 9.45am and the audience are required to be in their seats by 10.20am the day will finish at 4.15pm.   As this is a full day event please bring a packed lunch.  Tea and coffee will be provided.

To book:  Complete and submit the form below. Note that this form is only a record of details.  It does not constitute payment.

To pay:  Complete the appropriate payment fields and arrange payment. according to your selection.  Fee is £10. 

– IF PAYING BY ONLINE BANK TRANSFER please include attendee’s name and FINAL in the reference and pay to:
BB&O Area of NAFAS, Account number 10281169, Sort code: 60-24-21.

 IF PAYING BY CHEQUE please write attendee’s name and FINAL on the back of the cheque then post to:
Alison Vacher, 1 Emmbrook Vale, Wokingham, RG41 1PW

Places will only be reserved when payment is received.

2025 FINAL Demonstrator Tests

Payment £10 - Select Payment Method and Tick Associated Confirmation