Booking Form for 2024 ‘Foam-Free Autumn Pedestal’ Workshop 

This workshop is a must for anyone wishing to learn more and practice their skills in producing a stunning pedestal without using floral foam. It is suitable for all skill levels and will be led by Sandie Draper, one of our experienced Area Teachers. Places are limited so early booking is recommended.  It will be held at St Mary’s Church Hall, Wexham, SL3 6LH on 27 September  10.30am to 3pm.  Cost of the workshop is £30 per pedestal, which can be done by one or two people.  Booking is per pedestal.  Other attendees name can be added in the additional information box.  Tea/coffee will be provided but please bring your own lunch.

You can down the 2024 Autumn Pedestal Workshop Flier and the 2024 Foam free Autumn Pedestal worksheet

To book:  Complete and submit the form below. Note that this form is only a record of details.  It does not constitute payment.

To pay:  Complete the appropriate payment fields and arrange payment. according to your selection.  Fee is £30 per pedestal, which can be done by one or two people.

Please pay BY ONLINE BANK TRANSFER if at all possible. Please include attendee’s name and FOAM FREE in the reference and pay to:
BB&O Area of NAFAS, Account number 10281169, Sort code: 60-24-21.

– With so many local banks closing it is very onerous for our Area Treasurer to travel miles to pay in cheques, but if you really cannot pay any other way then you can PAY BY CHEQUE.  Please write attendee’s name and FOAM FREE on the back of the cheque then post to:
Alison Vacher, 1 Emmbrook Vale, Wokingham, RG41 1PW

Places will only be reserved when payment is received.

2024 Foam Free Autumn Pedestal Workshop

Payment £30 per Pedestal - Select Payment Method and Tick Associated Confirmation